Sponsorship Opportunities — Energy Chamber of Trinidad and Tobago

The Energy Chamber of Trinidad and Tobago is the host of several annual events linked to our key advocacy areas which we pursue on behalf of our members and the wider public. As a membership organization, some of these events are only possible through sponsorship received from companies.  

In the past, we have gone to member and future member-companies to request their sponsorship support on a per-event basis.  From this financial year (July 2019 – June 2020) however, we are presenting members with details on all of the events which are available for sponsorship (excluding the Trinidad and Tobago Energy Conference, the Local Content Forum, the Downstream Operators Forum and the Upstream Operators Forum) so that they can comparatively select the one/s that is/are the best fit with their organizational goals for the corresponding period.

The events which require sponsorship for the financial year 2019 – 2020 are:

1.       Meet the Members Cocktail Reception – Thursday October 10th, 2019

2.       Guyana Safety Forum – Wednesday October 16th, 2019

3.       Energy Efficiency and Renewables Conference - Monday June 08th and Tuesday June 09th, 2020

4.       Media Sensitization Workshop – March 18th & 25th, 2020

An event outline, as well as the expected costs and benefits to sponsor companies for each event are listed below.

For additional details on sponsorship please contact Michelle Ramrattan-Rahman at 6-ENERGY ext 33.