Photo credit: Heritage Petroleum
The Energy Chamber would like to recognise and highlight the significant role of some of its member companies in the wake of the recent oil spill off the coast of Tobago. The swift response and dedicated efforts of these member companies have played a pivotal role in containing the spill and minimising its impact.
Led by Heritage Petroleum Company Limited, the collaborative efforts of Oil Mop Environmental Services and Tiger Tanks Trinidad Limited have contributed to the clean-up and containment efforts. Kaizen Environmental Services Ltd. through their association with Woodside Energy were also involved in the exercise. Renaissance Energy also provided their resources and skills to assist in the clean-up effort, independently.
National Energy also provided marine vessel support and other logistics to the Ministry of Energy at the site of the oil spill.
The collective expertise and resources of these member companies have been instrumental in ensuring that the cleanup operations were executed effectively. We commend them for their commitment to protecting our natural resources and for assigning their staff and equipment in executing this very critical exercise which averted impacts to the marine ecosystem and multiple industries on the island.
Environmental challenges of this scale and nature demand immediate action and it is gratifying to witness the solidarity and dedication displayed in an effort to safeguard our natural resources.